Vintage Japanese Wind-Up , Friction and Penny Toys
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 All toys in this category are vintage and original Japanese toys. They are mechanical, either wind-up or friction powered. Non-Mechanical free rolling Penny Toys are also included. There are Pre-War Japan, Occupied Japan and Post-War Japanese toys. I do not sell reproductions.



Shipping by USPS is a flat price to all continental USA locations. This is usually $4-5 per item.

Combined shipping is available if you buy multiple items.

Shipping by USPS to Canada and International Locations is available at actual cost.

Insurance is Optional at buyer's request and will be paid by buyer.


Read the description carefully as information about condition, working order, size, materials of construction, vintage and my personal opinions and observations will be mentioned there.

As far as the photos are concerned, I include views from all angles, try to focus on any defects and generally let you see the toy as if you were inspecting it in person. That said, sometimes photos make things look better and sometimes worse. When a picture is blown up to a large size all kinds of defects seem to jump out at looking at your skin in a magnifying mirror. The actual item seen by the naked eye, especially our aging eyes,often looks better than the photo.

Your satisfaction is always important to me. If you are unhappy about the condition of a toy you get I am happy to give a full refund or exchange it if that is possible. Things do get past my notice sometimes (those aging eyes).


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Japanese Mechanical Figural Toys

Pre-War Japan Troika Celluloid Santa Sled Wind-Up in Box

10.5 inches (26.6 cm) long

EX in box

This large and impressive Pre-War Japanese all celluloid Santa sled is called Troika. The label on the box is missing a section (eaten by mice?). You can see two deer in the picture; there must have been three (troika, get it). As with many Japanese toys, box artwork and toy only have a passing resemblance. The single celluloid deer is brown and much larger than his prancing white brothers. Even though his legs are straight he still bobs up and down as the sled rolls forward (in a circle, of course). The conditon is excellent. Celluloid colors are bright, there are no cracks, dents or other problems and the mechanism works well.



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Japanese Vehicles

Vintage 1950's Bonnet Front Fire Engine

5.25 inches (13.3 cm) long

2 inches (5 cm) wide

ladder extends to 9 inches (22.8 cm) tall


This 1950's bonnet front style Japanese tin friction fire engine has no firemen on board (this version never did). There is an extending ladder mounted on top thatboth rotates and extends and detailed litho of fire related equipment on the sides.

The friction powered fire truck rolls forward on tin front wheels and rubber edged rear drive wheels. The friction mechanism works well.

There is play wear consisting of some rubs on high surfaces and edges that does not detract from the overall appearance. The surface is shiny and overall condition is good to very good.



One Only

Vintage 1950's Japanese Crank Friction Queen Boat in Original Box

5.5 inches (14 cm) long 2.75 inches (7 cm) wide

EX in Box

This all tin crank friction 1950's vintage Japanese boat was meant to go in the water. Thankfully it has not been put in any water but is still safely in its original box with cardboard insert. The litho shows a chubby happy family in the front windows of the boat along with numerous decorative boat details. The colors are quintessential 50's...turquoise blue, red and cream. Condition is excellent with only some minor box rubs and a bit of litho loss along one side of the deck edge. The mechanism works well. The box lid has some paper tape repairs.



One Only

Vintage 1950's Japanese Tin Friction Red Childrens Bonnet Bus

4 inches (10 cm) long ,1.75 inches (4.5 cm) wide 1.25 inches tall


This all tin 1950's Japanese friction bonnet bus is a bit larger at 4 inches long and has more details like front and rear bumpers. This red bus says Children Bus on the roof on both sides. The driver and woman attendant are seen in the front window with children visible in the side and rear windows. A running dog adorns both sides (a greyhound?). The bottom of the bus has some scrapes and a small area of rust. Bumpers are a bit darkened with age. The rest of the bus is in very good condition and the mechanism works well. It rolls on two tin front wheels and tin rubber edged rear drive wheels. This particular bus is fairly rare.



One Only

Vintage 1950's Japanese Tin Friction Bonnet High School Bus- Green

4 inches (10 cm) long ,1.75 inches (4.5 cm) wide 1.25 inches tall

VG Plus

This all tin 1950's Japanese friction bonnet bus is a bit larger at 4 inches long and has more details like front and rear bumpers. The green bus says High School Bus on the roof on both sides. Along with a driver and woman seen through the front windshield there is a mini driver- a small person wearing the exact same driver cap. The passengers sure look older with their fedoras and hats. The bus rolls on tin front wheels with rubber edged tin rear drive wheels. Condition is very good plus (some wear on bottom) and the mechanism works well.



One Only

Japanese Tin PennyToy Bonnet Animal Bus

4 inches (10 cm) long

1.5 inches ( 3.8 cm) wide


This 1950's vintage Japanese tin bonnet front bus has the words Animal Bus on the roof and comic animals of all kinds hanging out of the windows.

The bus has a license plate that says 1952. it rolls freely on tiny tin wheels. Condition is very good to excellent.



One Only

Japanese Tin Penny Toy Platform Train-The Special Line

6 inches (11.4cm) long

1 inch (2.54 cm) wide

1.25 inches (3 cm) tall at front of smokestack


This early 1950's vintage Japanese tin platform train rolls freely on tiny tin wheels. The colorful penny toy train has animal passengers.

A pig, cow, monkey and horse look out of the open windows and a giraffe, elephant and rabbit are seen along the side of the engine. One car of the train says "The Special Line" on the sides, the other says "Old Black Joe".

Condition is very good to excellent with bright colors,only minor wear, and some darkening to the plain metal bottom plate.



One Only

1950's Japanese Large Penny Toy Car with Animals- Green

5 inches (12.8 cm) long , 2.25 inches (5.7 cm) wide



This is a pretty large toy for a penny toy. However, it is not mechanical and just rolls freely on tin wheels so it fits the category. The spare tire on this car says Yoiko Japan No. 3, 1951. Animals are visible though the front windshield and hanging out of all the other windows. An elephant is waving a suitcase he holds in his trunk as he hangs out of the back window. Animal road trip ! Condition is very good due to same scattered scratches and flakes in the litho.

This car is one of a set of three in three colors, green, red and turquoise. Each has different animals onboard.



One Only

1950's Japanese Large Penny Toy Car with Animals-Turquoise

5 inches (12.8 cm) long , 2.25 inches (5.7 cm) wide



This is a pretty large toy for a penny toy. However, it is not mechanical and just rolls freely on tin wheels so it fits the category. The spare tire on this car says Yoiko Japan No. 2, 1951. Animals are visible though the front windshield and hanging out of all the other windows. A giraffe and his hippo buddy are hanging out of the back window. Animal road trip !

There is little wear on the top and only some scratches on the base. This car is one of a set of three in three colors, green, red and turquoise. Each has different animals onboard.



One Only

1950's Japanese Large Penny Toy Car with Animals- Red

5 inches (12.8 cm) long , 2.25 inches (5.7 cm) wide


This is a pretty large toy for a penny toy. However, it is not mechanical and just rolls freely on tin wheels so it fits the category. The spare tire on this car says Yoiko Japan No. 1, 1951. Animals are visible though the front windshield and hanging out of all the other windows. A lion is waving a suitcase in his paw as he hangs out of the back window. Animal road trip !

Colors are bright but there are scattered scratches and flakes in the litho.

This car is one of a set of three in three colors, green, red and turquoise. Each has different animals onboard.



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